Раздел для специалистов

Federal congress

Федеральный конгресс

Federal congress is a meeting of the medical community at the federal level to discuss current problems in the field of medicine. It considers a diverse range of scientific and scientific-practical topics, clinical recommendations, standards, changes in legislation. Federal congresses contain symposiums with the involvement of related specialists. The number of participants starts from 100 people.

City Date Time Address
Novosibirsk 20.4.2023 г. Новосибирск
Novosibirsk 21.4.2023 г. Новосибирск
Novosibirsk 22.4.2023 г. Новосибирск
Stavropol 24.5.2024 18:00 г. Ставрополь

Детали мероприятия

  • Cities:

    Listed below

  • Period of events:

    Listed below

  • Event organizer:

    Alcea LLC

  • Form of the event:

    Federal congress

Events 25 February